Consumer Girl

An Eggsceptional Crustless Quiche to Celebrate World Egg Day

How did you celebrate this year’s World Egg Day?  Poached, scrambled, over-easy or an omelette are just fine; However, can you think of a better way to celebrate World Egg Day than with a healthy tasty vegetarian, crustless quiche? While it might be Friday before Thanksgiving (In Canada anyway), let’s talk turkey about making one if you’ve never done it before.

One of my favourite egg dishes is my crustless Kale, Mushroom & Onion Quiche,which I make in my French ceramic bakeware pie dish by Emile Henri. (We’ll talk about that in another post). This dish is easy-to-make and suitable for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner or Thanksgiving if you prefer to go meatless.

What you’ll need: Read more

Try Greek Salad with a Maple Twist

No Romaine? No Problem – try this lettuce-free salad with your next meal.


Romaine lettuce is one ingredient I love to use in many of my salads – in fact I truly enjoy a good Caesar as a side or main dish. However, with the E. coli outbreak linked to contaminated  lettuce my thoughts turn to another I enjoy – Greek Salad. This is sometimes one choice I might make when out for dinner or a quick lunch. But today, I thought, why not try to make it at home. Different cooks prepare it differently, most have the same ingredients but often the dressing differs – so I thought I’d try my own signature twist on the classic salad with ingredients I already had at home. Read more

Consumer Girl: Welcome to my Blog

Have you ever bought a product you absolutely regretted buying because you lacked information or were sadly misinformed? On the other hand have you bought items you wish you could still get more of?

Truth be told, I have done both on a number of occasions. Over the years, I have learned to do my homework – lots of research and learn something new every time I contemplate making a purchase. This is true whether it’s new, used, bought on-line or in person.

One day I thought: I would really like to share this with you and hear what you have to say.

Who am I?

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